The astrology of yoga

“Vedic astrology is based on the same principles of yoga, Ayurveda, and the other Vedic sciences…” – Sam Geppi (Sadasiva)

Yoga is considered a science. And two other sister-sciences combine with yoga to create the tripod of eastern spirituality: Yoga, Ayurveda, and Jyotisha. Jyotisha translates as Vedic Astrology. The system of yoga as well as the other two sister-sciences all stem from ancient texts called, the Vedas. Therefore, Vedic astrology is referred to as the astrology of yoga.

Sam Geppi (2015), a vedic astrologer, states that the “same principles of yoga, Ayurveda, and the other Vedic sciences” are at the core of Vedic astrology. So if you understand the principles of yoga, you have a lead-way into understanding the principles of Vedic astrology!


Geppi, S. (2015). Yoga and Vedic Astrology: Sister Sciences of Spiritual Healing, Essentials of Vedic Astrology – Volume I. San Francisco, CA: Vedic Academy Press.